Kendra Lanterman

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Story time: We Won!

Aurora, CO


Did you know that bidding wars still happen even in this new market? IF the price is right (low) and the product is desirable, we can absolutely STILL see bidding wars!

When my clients walked into this home, the energy was palpable. They LOVED it and so did I. This home is so beautiful and unique, so charming and lovely. Unfortunately, we weren't the only ones who felt that way.

My Buyers were deciding between two loan programs. A 2-1 Buydown or a 3-2-1 Buydown..both great loan programs to help combat today's interest rates, however they are pricey up front and we knew we wanted to ask the Sellers to help provide a credit to pay that initial buydown fee.

How do we do that and STILL be competitive and WIN against three other offers?

Well, we strategize. We got down to the specifics, crunched the numbers and decided what loan is best and what the cost would be. We looked for other areas where we could be competitive and we went to work.

I immediately started building rapport with the Seller's agent so we would stand out. We went over the terms that were options to be more or less competitive and educated the Buyer on why things were in fact, more competitive and if they were comfortable.

We submitted our offer and were Under Contract within 4 hours! We are THRILLED! I can't wait to watch you guys make this house your Home!

Thank you for trusting me.